Course Promotion Requests

Humanities Academic Services are happy to help faculty members promote their course offerings. Read on to learn more about what we'll need in order to facilitate effective course promotion with students.

The HAS center has the ability to use targeted email outreach to let students know about courses they should consider before or during registration. Before submitting your course promotion request to the HAS team using the form at the bottom of this page, here are some best practices to bear in mind:

1) Be descriptive: You know your course better than anyone - help us communicate to students why they should prioritize taking your class.

2) Be specific: Students appreciate the details, and specifics are more likely to elicit student action than generic course descriptions they can find online.

3) Be targeted:  Being more targeted with outreach can yield better results. Consider if your course is appropriate for all students, or just certain groups (e.g., majors, minors, seniors, transfer students etc.) HAS communications can be sent to students in the Humanities division, but for wider-ranging outreach requests, we might recommend reaching out to campus-wide units like UAA advising.

4) Be brief: While students have expressed to us repeatedly in focus groups that they prefer email over social media engagement for academics, their patience is limited. Keeping outreach brief increases chances of of follow-through. The same holds true for outreach volume; if students chose not to register after the first announcement, it's unlikely that follow-ups will change that.

5) Be Timely: In general, timing is far more important than constant reminders; course promotion in the weeks before registration period 1 begins is going to be more effective because students can act on it. A week or two after registration has started, the majority of students will have the bulk of their classes for the coming quarter.

For reference, key dates for when registration begins for a given quarter can always be found on the UW's Academic Calendar.

We Kindly ask that staff and faculty & Departments...
  • Allow adequate time to act on requests. Requests should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the event so outreach can be synced with pre-scheduled HAS communications. Please fill out one form per promotion request. This will help us to triage requests.

Submit a course promotion request

Please use this link to make a course promotion request to HAS. Our team will do our best to fulfill your request! 

(UW NetID required)