Dear Humanities Faculty,
The Humanities Academic services Center is considered a resource for students, and we are, but we would like for you to know that we hope to be a resource for you too. On this page, you will find a list of resources on campus for you to use to help your students, if they reach out to you. If you have any questions or there is a resource you need that is not on this page, please contact us.
Please refer your students to us if they have questions about academic planning, declaring a major or minor, registration, major requirements, general education requirements, graduation applications and commencement. If they want to talk about honors, scholarships, study abroad, language testing and career development, please feel free to send your students to us. The Humanities Academic service staff has created a funding, health and wellness resources page that might be of help to you.
Lastly, to support the departments we serve the Humanities Academic Services (HAS) center created a liaison system that assigns a team member to each department in the Humanities. Liaisons act as a contact point for procedural questions for HAS about student services, so that faculty or administrators have a specific person they can reach out to instead of a general email inbox.
To learn more about what HAS liaisons are set up to do, please see our section on faculty academic support resources.
Your Humanities Academic Services Staff
For mental and physical health, risk management, and Disability Services needs, there are several places on campus that students can be referred to for individualized support.
Here your students will find mental health support, food and housing instability resources, information about the Hall Health clinic, recreation opportunities and campus safety and protection assistance.
If a student comes to you asking for accommodations because of illness or injury, if they tell you they can’t get schoolwork in on time because of a learning disability, ADHD, ADD but they don’t have DRS accommodations, this is where you should refer them:
Many times, students come to us because they are struggling to succeed in your classes. We tell them to reach out to their faculty member or TAs for consultation, but we also refer them to the various academic coaching sites on campus.
The Office of Minority Affairs has their instructional center for OMAD students
If your students ask you about a financial aid issue, you may certainly send them to us, but you can save them a step by sending them directly to the Financial Aid Office on campus (because that is where we will direct them).
The Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards is another rich resource for student funding.
Many Humanities Departments have scholarships and awards for their majors. We have created a funding resource for Humanities majors you are welcome to pass on.
Further Support
If you still have questions about how HAS can help your students, you are welcome to reach out via email.