Supporting Departments

In addition to helping students, our team supports faculty and staff within the Humanities Division.

This includes department chairs, administrators, line faculty, and staff across the 12 departments of the College of Arts & Sciences Humanities Division.

To learn more about how HAS serves them, review our departmental resources section of our website.

Student Awards

In Winter Quarter, we help departments manage the process for nominating students and collecting/ collating/ submitting their application materials to a set of Humanities Scholarships. We typically do this by having liaisons work with their respective departments to submit materials.

Instructions for Nominating Students for Humanities Awards
  1. Initial List: Humanities Academic Services (HAS) will provide departments with a list of the most academically competitive students by the specified date. Departments may nominate any student, using the list as a starting point.
  2. Department Nominations: Departments inform HAS of their chosen two (2) students for nomination by the specified date, including contact details for two (2) faculty members who have agreed to write letters of support. HAS will notify the students.
  3. Student Submissions: Nominated students have 14 days to submit a personal statement, resume, and transcript to HAS by the specified date.
  4. Faculty Letters: HAS will email faculty who agreed to provide letters of support with the necessary student information. Faculty have 10 days to draft their letters and send them to HAS by the specified date.
  5. Department Chair Letters: HAS will email department chairs with the completed student materials, award details, and faculty letters of support. Department chairs have 7 days to draft a letter of support and a brief transmittal (cover) letter, and send them to HAS by the specified date. Nominations will not be submitted if supporting materials are incomplete.
  6. Final Submission: HAS will collate all nomination materials into a single packet for each student and email them to Barbara Mack at the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s office.

In Spring Quarter, the College of Arts and Sciences awards the A&S Dean's Medal to the top graduating senior in each division. We help departments manage the process for nominating students and collecting/ collating/ submitting their application materials for the A&S Dean's Medal. We typically do this by having liaisons work with their respective departments to submit materials.

Instructions for Nominating Students for the A&S Dean's Medal

Eligibility Criteria

Nominees must:

  • Have completed 90 graded credits or more in residence at the University of Washington.
  • Hold at least one degree/major from the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Possess a GPA of 3.88 or greater.
  • Have graduated in the previous Summer term or in the Autumn, Winter, or Spring terms of the current Academic Year.
  • Have earned their first undergraduate degree (post-baccalaureate students are not eligible).

Submission Process

  • Nominations must be submitted online.
  • Students meeting the criteria are not automatically nominated; a nomination letter and other provided materials will determine the nomination.

Supporting Materials

Each nomination must include:

  1. A letter of nomination from the department chair.
  2. A letter from a faculty member who has worked closely with the nominee.
  3. The nominee's CV or resume.
  4. A copy of the student's unofficial transcript.

Note: Student work is not requested but can be referenced in the nomination letter.

Multiple Nominations

  • Departments can nominate up to two (2) students.
  • Departments must rank their nominees; unranked multiple nominations will not be reviewed.


  • Nominations for both the Dean's and the Graduate Medals are due in May.